неделя, 15 април 2012 г.

Another One Starts Adding to this Blog....

Well folks tonight I was in charge of dinner and I really did not feel going out to eat.  In the last 5 weeks now, I have been on a major push to lose weight which by the way DOES NOT involve dieting but the following:
  • 4 -to - 5 times per week at least 20min exercise / usually more like 35-40 minutes as my schedule allows.  The exercise itself includes elyptical trainer and/or biking on the road
  • I monitor what I eat -- but the care is on quantities not the types of food.  I.e. I make sure I am not eating huge portions
  • Make sure I do not eat late in the evening -- I used to eat around 9pm -- very bad idea!
  • Make sure I have breakfast -- even if just a small bowl of cereal
As a result of all this I have dropped (as of this morning) 12 pounds!  And will continue to do so.   So my reasons for working on this blog are several -- a) I like food -- just like my brother; b) I wanted to stress the notion that if one wants to lose weight, diets are not the answer (in my opinion) - as many of you probably know, exercise is VERY important -- so I wanted to state that.... So my contribution of recipes will be for ones that I am using even while losing weight - i.e. they are tried and true and good for you :-)

And now -- lets start...

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